Light Rail Transit
Marmion Way Corridor, Metro Gold Line
Mr. Glick was retained by LA Metro from 1995 - 2003 for the Metro Gold Line within Highland Park to trouble-shoot the project's five-year stalemated status. Fred developed an urban design approach for Marmion Way from Avenue 50 to Avenue 57. Mr. Glick led the agency through four corridor-wide workshops over a six-week period; assessed the corridor design relative to community/agency goals; and redesigned the transitway, incorporating changes to urban, civil and system design. The context sensitive composition became a "complete street" within a designated historic district. Mr. Glick led the project team through 30% design documents and oversaw quality assurance and quality control throughout the remainder of the design-build process for the Construction Authority, working closely with Program Manager, Booz Allen Hamilton. (Please see slide show: "Highland Park Station Transit Plaza".)