Master Planning

Soos Creek Trail • Phase 5 Master Plan & Design

King County, WA

Soos Creek Trail is a linear feature within a phased, 500-acre, regional park and trail system encompassing a six-mile section of Big Soos Creek, a salmon spawning stream with extensive wetlands. The creek valley is a relatively undisturbed natural corridor meandering through a rapidly developing suburban-rural community. In total, the park features six miles of paved trail and three miles of equestrian trail. These systems also are linked to other existing and proposed trails, local parks, and several adjacent neighborhoods. The Soos Creek corridor is considered one of the region’s most sensitive natural areas. This King County project has undergone an aggressive program of environmental impact mitigation and habitat enhancement throughout the stream corridor. Fred Glick served as Principal-in-Charge of project site investigations and conceptual design for Phase 5 of Soos Creek Trail, while a Vice President with Huitt-Zollars, Inc. of Seattle WA.

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