Master Planning

SR-14 Corridor Management Strategy, Design Charette

Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area, WA

The SR 14 Management Plan Strategy Design Charette was undertaken in the Spring of 1995 to resolve issues related to the long-term management and operation of the highway by the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT). Mr. Glick was retained by WSDOT to coordinate preparation and implementation of the Charette, which focused on ten (10) technical issue areas. These included: rockfall, recreation locations, scenic viewpoints, sensitive environmental areas, river access, highway widening opportunities, and more. Charette preparation took four months. The Charette was held in Stevenson, WA; all ten sessions were completed within 3-1/2 days. Over 120 participants from federal, state, regional and local agencies participated. Key participants included the Columbia River Gorge Commission, the US Forest Service, and WSDOT.

Photo Credits: 
Cape Horn Gorge View, Internet