Transit Oriented Development

Venice/San Vicente Intermodal Hub/TOD

Los Angeles, CA

Mr. Glick served as project urban designer for the Wilton-Arlington alignment alternatives portion of the Metro Red Line Mid-City Segment SEIS/SEIR. His work included station area planning, urban design, station architecture, community involvement and constructibility review.  Supervised adjacent joint development concepts and urban design services for neighborhood-wide workshop preparation for the Olympic-Arlington Station and the Venice/San Vicente Station.  The purpose of these workshops was to assist the agency and community in “fitting” the project into the neighborhoods in as sensitive a manner as possible.  Under Mr. Glick's direction, the team prepared alignment drawings, station design drawings, corridor evaluations and joint development concepts for MTA review in conjunction with attendance stakeholder and community outreach meetings. The accompanying concept plan for the Venice/San Vicente block and intermodal station was the Preferred Alternative selected by Metro, the public and stakeholders. Mr. Glick performed this work while with HNTB.

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